Sunday 8 January 2012

Eventually I can spend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At long last my new debit card pin number arrived......  I now feel much better and can go to a shop and buy what I want without worrying if I have enough cash in my purse....
You don't realise how dependant you are on your debit card until it's gone....

On a happier note, I ordered Dawn Bibby's 4 day deal the other day and am hoping it comes soon.  I am going to have a go at printing my own papers and foiling them with my foiling machine and see if I can get a similar result.

I also ordered the new Crafter's Companion Strawberry Kisses set which was very cute.
They mentioned on C&C that their Spectrum Noir pens are expected in the next couple of days.  I have been waiting for several months for my order of these pens, so hopefully I will have them very soon................

Yesterday I got a bargain in HMV.... I love Columbo and got the boxed complete series for £59.  My husband and I will work our way through it as I'm sure we never saw every episode when it was on the TV...

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